
Changes in the Nomination Committee for SAS AB

At the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting in SAS AB on 10 April 2018, members for the SAS AB Nomination Committee were appointed. Information about the Nomination Committee’s composition was published through a media release directly after the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting and is available via the company’s homepage.

SAS Boeing 737 at Oslo Airport (photo: ©otoerres)

The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries, for the Norwegian Government has informed SAS AB that it will vacate its seat at the Nomination Committee as a result of the Norwegian Government disposing its shareholding in SAS AB.

In response to this, the Nomination Committee has offered Gerald Engström to join the Nomination Committee. Together with Färna Invest AB, Gerald Engström controls 3.1% of the votes in SAS AB.

Following the above change, the Nomination Committee consists of the following four members:

  • Carl Rosén, Swedish Ministry of Enterprise and innovation, for the Swedish Government
  • Peder Lundquist, Danish Ministry of Finance, for the Danish Government
  • Jacob Wallenberg, for Knut och Allice Wallenbergs Foundation
  • Gerald Engström, representing himself and Färna Invest AB

Read more news about SAS AB HERE




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